On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 08:14:33AM -0800, VDR User wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 5:09 AM,  <th_zieg...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > Are there any VDR-compatible (I'm using e-tobi 1.7.29) HD test clips,
> > available somewhere on the net or can s.o. provide one?
> There are many places hosting HD test clips. You can look at:
> http://www.highdefforum.com/high-definition-movies-video-clips/6537-official-hd-video-clip-list.html
> or just google "hd test clips".

Thanks for the fast feedback.

That site has a lot wma /w DRM protected files and a lot of link
leading to 404 errors.

> Also, you don't need to worry about a clip being "VDR-compatible",
> whatever that is supposed to mean. 

My idea was to place a clip of vdr recording, i.e. the entires subdir
with the extension .rec in my recordings. This allows to test the
entire chain vdr->home network->playback device (here raspbmc).

The .ts file alone would also do.

> Your system either has the
> capability to play HD content smoothly or it doesn't. VDR doesn't have
> anything to do with that. If you have a VDPAU-capable video card or
> igp, all progressive content will work. If you want the highest
> quality deinterlacing on 1080i, a GT220 is required.

You are right: ideally, I need two clips: progressive and interlaced.
Let's see if I get one via this mailing list.

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