"fnu" <v...@auktion.hostingkunde.de> writes:

>> It's definitely difficult to provide short translations of short english
> technical keywords and sentences.
> If you don't make in couple of words, why translate it? Keep it in the
> proper short technical english original, it's not any prose what need to be
> translated sensitively. In many cases it is the same with the german
> language ...

oh i guess so :)

> Or try any similar meaningful short french word, also no need to translate
> technical stuff word by word, why? For that 2 people reading it 2 times in 3
> years? If they need it, they should look for the meaning of that technical
> points ...
> Think about a little question, is there a need to translate "exit"? I know
> you guys do it (e.g. sortie), but I guess all of the 7 billion people on
> this planet do understand "exit" in it's sense, or not? So what to say, less
> is even more in many cases ...

those are pretty valid points.
i don't use any translation myself, from computer to phone it's all in

> And to explain specific points, a manual might be better idea instead of
> overload VDR with any help fuction, have a look e.g at vdr-wiki.de ...

looks nice, vdrportal.de also looks nice rich and lively.
unfortunatly it's in Deutsch ! :)


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