On 02/12/2013 12:17 PM, Teemu Suikki wrote:


I was trying to find source code for the rotor plugin (not rotorng)..
all the links seem to be outdated. Anyone have any version?

I'm really only interested in seeing how the GotoX stuff works. I'm
trying to send gotox command from diseqc.conf, but the dish doesn't move
at all.

I have the Eutelsat diseqc 1.2 specification, but the GotoX stuff is
marked preliminary and they talk only about terrestrial antennas.. Must
be some difference.

Here's my non-functioning diseqc.conf entry:

#S1.0W - Elevation 17.44, Azimuth 209.62, Motor angle -28.45
S1.0W 11700 V  9750  t W15 [E0 31 6E 0D 07] W15 v t
S1.0W 99999 V 10600  t W15 [E0 31 6E 0D 07] W15 v T
S1.0W 11700 H  9750  t W15 [E0 31 6E 0D 07] W15 V t
S1.0W 99999 H 10600  t W15 [E0 31 6E 0D 07] W15 V T

I actually made a C program that generates these lines for all visible
satellites. This might be of interest to people who are waiting for
gotox support, if I ever get this working..

vdr mailing list

Hi Teemu,

I'm using the patch based on patch from Seppo Ingalsuo (see http://patchwork.linuxtv.org/patch/12911/) - this version I'm used now with vdr-1.7.27 together with yaVDR, but have info that it works also with later versions. Patch integrate gotoxx into VDR and works without problems.



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