On 09.02.2013 12:03, Teemu Suikki wrote:

This has no effect on channel switching time. Channel switch is instant. Patch 
only delays the scanning of pids, epg data, new transponders etc.

Of course if the pids have changed since the last time this channel was tuned, 
it will use the old values for the first 10 seconds.. but I don't think this 
happens very often.

It would also have an effect on the EPG displayed when the channel display is
shown. If the new channel hasn't been tuned to in a while it might display
totally wrong events for as long as 10 seconds. And a recording might also use
wrong EPG data in such cases.


But yes, I agree the patch could be cleaner somehow.

9.2.2013 12.50 "Klaus Schmidinger" <klaus.schmidin...@tvdr.de 
<mailto:klaus.schmidin...@tvdr.de>> kirjoitti:

    On 08.02.2013 14:52, Teemu Suikki wrote:


        As I mentioned in my previous email, I'm using diseqc.conf to drive my 
motorized dish.

        I noticed that sometimes VDR generates false channe updates, when the 
dish is moving. The problem is, channel switches immediately, but it takes 
seconds for the dish to move. Often there is several seconds time when VDR 
thinks it's already on the new channel, but old satellite is still tuned.

        I googled and I noticed something about this in actuator plugin README:

        "vdr assumes that, as soon as a channel has been switched to, the new 
source (satellite) is valid, even if the dish is moving, so the autoupdate function 
will assign new/updated channels to the wrong satellite. The plugin's workaround is 
to disable autoupdate while the dish is moving and
        restore the
        previous setting only when it has reached the target satellite. It's possible 
that the plugin will fail to restore the value of this setting. If you see that channels 
aren't updating anymore check this setting (main 
menu->configuration->dbv->__update channels, note that while the dish is
        moving this
        setting is always "no", so check and modify it only when the actuator is 
idle). "

        RotorNG does not have such hack, so it still suffers from this problem. Also as I 
said, I use VDR "as is" without rotor-ng, and have this problem.

        I made the following patch to sections.c, this is for vdr 1.7.27 but I 
guess it's similar in newer VDRs as well..

        If source has been changed, it forces a 10 second delay. This means 
that epg data and channel updates are disabled during that time, but it 
shouldn't matter.

        10 seconds might not be quite enough to get to the new position with a 
slow motor, but it is enough to make the frontend loose lock on the previous 

        Here's also example from syslog:

        Feb  8 15:17:23 yavdr vdr: [16352] switching to channel 990
        Feb  8 15:17:23 yavdr vdr: [16420] New source 0x5300ff7e, 10sec wait 
forced in section loop
        Feb  8 15:17:29 yavdr vdr: [16419] frontend 1/0 lost lock on channel 
990, tp 112322
        Feb  8 15:17:30 yavdr vdr: [16419] frontend 1/0 regained lock on 
channel 990, tp 112322

        Here you can see how it takes full 6 seconds before frontend reports 
lost lock, after channel switch.. Channel is really switched at 15:17:30 when 
it regains lock. If any section data would be received between 15:17:23 - 
15:17:29, it would be registered on the wrong satellite.

        The patch:

        *** vdr-alt/sections.c  2007-10-14 15:52:07.000000000 +0300
        --- vdr/sections.c      2013-02-08 14:50:30.524186976 +0200
        *** 164,169 ****
        --- 164,171 ----

            void cSectionHandler::Action(void)
        +   int PrevSource=shp->channel.__Source();
              while (Running()) {

        *** 183,188 ****
        --- 185,196 ----

                    if (poll(pfd, NumFilters, 1000) > 0) {
                       bool DeviceHasLock = device->HasLock();
        +            if (PrevSource!=shp->channel.__Source()) {
        +                 PrevSource=shp->channel.__Source();
        +                 DeviceHasLock = false;
        +                 dsyslog("New source 0x%x, 10sec wait forced in section 
        +                 cCondWait::SleepMs(10000);
        +            }
                       if (!DeviceHasLock)
                       for (int i = 0; i < NumFilters; i++) {

    While this may be a viable solution for your particular problem, I don't 
    putting a general 10s wait in there would be such a good idea. This would 
be totally
    annoying for users who receive multiple sat positions via a multiswitch, 
where switching
    between sources is very fast.

    I'm wondering whether there is any information in the SI data as to which 
    (i.e. satellite) this data is broadcast on. I guess that should help a 
great deal in actually
    solving this problem.


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