Am 01.01.2013 13:40, schrieb Luca Olivetti:
> Al 30/12/12 01:08, En/na Christopher Reimer ha escrit:
>> I don't consider the mailinglist as "central spot of developement".
>> Here I'm forced to speak English. Almost all VDR Users are German. And
>> in VDR-Portal I reach the critical mass. With the addition that I am
>> allowed to speak my native language.
> Oh, if vdr is only intended for german speaking users, is there a good 
> alternative for the rest of us?

 It's not, noone said that.

 I (as a german) am sad, but can understand, that posting at vdr-portal in 
english is something complicated (or whatever
the right word is, usually I write mails in english with in an 
open browser).
 And I'm also sad, that many "vdr-gurus" are just active at vdr-portal and not 
at this mailing list. The older ones of
us (I'm nearly 40 and think that I'm between the "young, wild ones" and "the 
wise elder" :-), tending to the older ones
as I'm using computers since 25 years now) have grown up with mailing lists, 
newsgroups etc. For the younger ones (I
don't want to flame anybody, just want to show a cliche) the "Internet" is 
equivalent to WWW. So they have grown up with
forums like vdr-portal.
 I must confess that normally threads at a forum are easier to read and 
understand as mailing list threads in any
mail-archive. First you have to found such an archive (or have to know that 
something like that even exists) and then
it's complicated to search or even browse the archive (monthly indexes etc.).

 This is an invitation: Please create more posts in english at vdr-portal! If a 
critical mass is passed it will be
easier for the ones coming past us. Sure there's only a small "international" 
part, but it is there. And of course there
will be "idiots", you got them everywhere, even at this mailing list. :)
 I promise if I have something valuable to say to an question asked in english 
I will give my best and will answer it.

 But I can't do it on my own, please help me.

 Happy New Year BTW... :) Maybe this will be a New Year'S pledge for some of 


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