Am 28.12.2012 16:38, schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> So should we go back to the Makefiles of version 1.7.33 and declare this
> area of the program source "untouchable" forever?

Beside all the current whining (and *I* don't exclude myself from that),
it is nevertheless a step in the right direction. Just returning to the
old system wouldn't solve any of the basic problems that this change

Things that could have been handled better:

- More discussion about the best strategy beforehand. Even if there was
an thread in vdr-portal, I did miss it, and there was no word of it in
the mailing list, which I always considered to be the central spot of
development. Right now it leaves the impression that the new system was
designed to make exactly two persons satisfied for their needs.

- Some smooth transition strategy. At least for some versions being able
to use the old and new makefile system would help a lot. That was
actually the next trick I wanted to check, whether there's a safe way to
grep for old vs. new system and handle them differently: Old system
would just make all, and instead of make install copy from the old
folders, while new system passes make all and make install to the plugin.
Another improvement would be a way to explicitly tell the plugin that
its being build in the source tree, and that ../../lib etc. should be a
target, but that needs to be supported by all the plugins.

- Some compatibility strategy. Being able to build the same plugin
source under several VDR versions helps plugin developers a lot. Though
this is not VDR's concern, it helps to keep that in mind.

So all in all, lets just look forward, not backward, and find ways to
improve the system.



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