Am 26.12.2012 09:53, schrieb Christopher Reimer:
2012/12/25 Klaus Schmidinger <klaus.schmidin...@tvdr.de>:
3.) the file should be included into plugin Makefiles after having set
PLUGIN and VERSION to be able to have some plugin-/version-dependent
No. Not agreed.
Just use DEFINES+= in Make.config, and if that doesn't work, plugin
makefiles have to be patched.
I understand that this seems to be a quite simple solution,
because in the end, almost any other configuration option will be
converted to either compiler or linker settings. But it's quite
lowlevel and one has to dig through the Makefile in depth to
extract the necessary compiler or linker options.
And as you already mention, plugin Makefiles need to be patched
to get it working. For example, there can nolonger be any default
values in the Makefile that get always passed to the compiler as
a define, as one cannot override it with a different value in
Make.config. The default value has to go into the source file in
case a certain define (and hence, a specific value) has not been
passed to the compiler.
I think that we should keep the possibility to configure
highlevel plugin options from a central place like plugins.conf
just as Make.config did up to VDR-1.7.33.
There's also the possibility to add a Make.config to every plugin.
Some plugin maintainer already started to include their own
Make.config (e.g.
Well, that's not what I was looking for, but kls suggested that
already on vdr-portal too. I dislike on that solution that there
is not a single central configuration file, but a symbolic link
could do the trick to share a common file.
Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl
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