On 26-11-12 11:28, Davide Chiarini wrote:
2012/11/26 Oliver Schinagl <oliver+l...@schinagl.nl
I have tried googling for some up to date linux! information but
found very little.
I think you've already answered your question here.
Being an early adopter rarely pays off in the linux world, unless you
have the skills to troubleshoot the drivers yourself and enjoy doing so.
The 'ddbridge' is already in the kernel. They claim on their site that
it has linux support. Their linux4media site sells these specifically
aimed at the linux market.
So in theory, it should work and should work well. But since there's so
little results (price related?) under linux for this 2008 or so board,
could be either really good (it works and works well) or nobody has
bought it yet.
Having had such problems in the past with other devices, even if
200EUR/8 tuners sounds like a good deal it really depends on how much
you value your free time.
It's 200E for 2 tuners only. each additional 2 tuners is about 150E. So
you pay 50E for the 'base' board, without any tuner, and 150E for each
dual-tuner tuner module, which can be either DVB-S2 or DVB-T/DVB-C.
Also keep in mind that theoretically every tuner needs its own cable
coming from the dish, right now I have two of them and having 8 for me
would be impossible (if you want to make them go inside the walls
through existing pipes).
Well I don't even have a dish yet, but this would be for future upgrades
of course. Yes running 8 wires through the wall is a lot, but manageable.
FYI, my vdr box is an old PIII 1000 with 2 DVB-S2 tuners and one DVB-T
(all of them PCI). I've been using it for about 4 years now.
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