Am 30.09.2012 15:41, schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
- The new class cIoThrottle is used to allow I/O intense threads to temporarily
   suspend their activities in case buffers run full (suggested by Torsten 
   Currently the cutter thread is suspended if the TS or Recorder buffer use 
   than 50% of their capacity. Plugin authors may want to participate in this
   mechanism if they use intense background I/O.

I'd suggest to use this for the low disk space deleted recording cleanup too. Recently, I've seen an issue like this happen, using VDR-1.7.30, where my disk was nearly full, and some deleted recordings didn't get wiped before a new recording. After a while, two HD recordings running at that time, AssertFreeDiskSpace kicked in and cleaned a deleted recording to free up disk space, resulting in an buffer overflow for the recorder:

02:08:31 low disk space while recording, trying to remove a deleted recording...
02:08:31 removing recording /video/.......del
02:08:31 removing /video/.......del/00001.ts
02:08:37 removing /video/.......del/00100.ts
02:08:37 removing /video/.......del/resume
02:08:37 removing /video/.......del/marks
02:08:37 removing /video/.......del
02:08:38 max. latency time 7 seconds
02:08:43 buffer usage: 70% (tid=27204)
02:08:43 buffer usage: 80% (tid=27204)
02:08:44 buffer usage: 90% (tid=27204)
02:08:44 buffer usage: 100% (tid=27204)
02:08:44 ERROR: 1 ring buffer overflow (1 bytes dropped)
02:08:44 buffer usage: 70% (tid=27187)
02:08:44 buffer usage: 60% (tid=27187)
02:08:45 ERROR: skipped 187 bytes to sync on start of TS packet
02:08:45 ERROR: skipped 187 bytes to sync on start of TS packet
02:08:45 cNaluDumper: TS continuity offset 6
02:08:45 buffer usage: 0% (tid=27204)

The deleting was surprisingly slow, probably because of the high disk fill and fragmentation. And for some reason, the overflow happened after the deleting. Not sure what caused the delay.



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