Den 30.09.2012 20:03, skrev Morfsta:
> Hi,
> Now that Raspberry Pis are quite common, cheap (~£25) and easily acquired (I
> received my order within 2 days from Farnell) has anyone considered whether
> it might be feasible to put together an output plugin for VDR for it? It is
> now possible to play MPEG-2 (with a codec license costing £2.40) as well as
> 1080p H.264 with hardware acceleration.

OpenELEC (XBMC distro) has RPI images, and the latest builds also has XVDR
support built in. I have installed it, but haven't had the time to test it yet.

I have my RPI connected to the USB of the TV, which means it powers up when
I switch the TV on. With CEC the rmote works... And now with XVDR (and
appropriate codecs) things should become pretty complete.

Vidar Tyldum
                                   PGP: 0x3110AA98

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