On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 14:16:53 +0200
Klaus Schmidinger <klaus.schmidin...@tvdr.de> wrote:

> After sleeping over this for a night I tend to follow your idea of
> using modifed names directly, thus having them appear everywhere.

That's great news. 

> I won't change these names in channels.conf, though (this file shall
> always store what comes from the broadcaster - provided it is enabled
> in the setup). I'll rather
> - Make a setup option to "Show channel names with source" (default is
> "no").
> - Modify cChannel::Name() and cChannel::ShortName() to optionally
>    append the source character (A, C, S, T, I, ...) to the channel
> name in the (short) form mentioned above.
> The attached patch implements this (i18n stuff left out for brevity).
> Please give it a try.

Could you please tell us whether the patch is compatible to vdr 1.7.27?
It is the version that is currently in use in the development version of

> @Ludi: BTW: in order to give you credit in VDR's HISTORY/CONTRIBUTORS
> file I'll need your full name.

You can use Ludi Kaleni <ludi113 * hotmail * com>.


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