Am Samstag, 9. Juni 2012, 12:02:37 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> >> so frontend 1 regained a lock it never had. That seems like a consequence
> >> of the fact that LostLock is only a local variable in cDvbTuner::Action,
> >> so it cannot be reset when the channel changes
> > 
> > Looks like LostLock should also be reset in case tsSet.
> I guess that's a matter of philosophy.

fine with me - I was just wondering.

I was looking at those things because I had some trouble with my
3 USB TT S2-3600 receivers. They very often lost lock. Putting them
in a cooler place helped a bit. Better cabling helped a bit. Updating
the receiver firmware (bought in 2012, update from 2008 was not
applied!) helped a bit. Optimizing my Quad Monoblock for Astra
helped a bit. At that stage, often all 3 receivers lost lock at the
same time. And all that only with DVB-S2 channels. And mostly
in early evening (which still puzzles me)

At the end it seems the LNB had a problem.  I now have another one
and no lost locks since 12 hours.


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