
this solution worked on my SuSE-System after updating xine-lib. So far,
so good. However, on my Debian-System I did update xine-lib as well
(without any harder problems) . Then I edited /.xine/config as discribed
below. But Xine seems not to react on this entry. I can see that config
is written each time I enter Xine-Setup at runtime, but in the
Setup-Window ("Engine") there is no entry saying "Priority for
vdpau_264_alter decoder".
In consequence, xine does not use this alternative decoder...
Hm, as I said, on the SuSE-System everything is fine...
The only difference, as far as I can see, is that on Debian xine gui
language is english, on the Debian System it is english.

Any ideas?

On 05/01/12 21:18, Reinhard Nissl wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 01.05.2012 20:08, schrieb Harald Milz:
>> I just added the new ZDF HD channels (ZDF, KIKA, ZDF neo, kultur and
>> info) and
>> I get strange effects like the ones described in
>> http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Neue-HDTV-Sender-Ruckler-auf-bestimmten-Receivern-1564225.html.
>> It looks as if the color pallette switched every 0.7 s. This didn't
>> happen
>> with the old ZDF HD channel. My setup is unchanged. Other HD channels
>> are not
>> affected.
>> Did anyone else observe this, and what can we do to fix this?
> You didn't mention your setup in detail, but I assume you're using a
> xine-lib VDPAU based solution.
> In my vdr-xine setup I had to switch from vdpau_h264 to vdpau_h264_alter
> decoder. The following lines from ~/.xine/config give vdpau_h264_alter a
> higher priority:
> # priority for vdpau_h264 decoder
> # numeric, default: 0
> #engine.decoder_priorities.vdpau_h264:0
> # priority for vdpau_h264_alter decoder
> # numeric, default: 0
> engine.decoder_priorities.vdpau_h264_alter:1
> Bye.

Thorsten Stuppi

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