On 9 March 2012 13:42, Tony Houghton <h...@realh.co.uk> wrote:
> The difference between vdr-sxfe and XBMC you're experiencing could be
> due to differences in the deinterlacing setting. You didn't say what
> your graphics card is, but the sort of low-power fanless card most of us
> like to have in an HTPC can't manage the higher quality options. The
> default for libxine is "temporal", which my lowly 8200 is too slow for
> in HD (but OK in SD), so I had to use this setting:
> video.output.vdpau_hd_deinterlace_method:bob
> I was amazed at how good it looks, although I've only tried it at 720p
> output so far, not at 1080p. I thought I was going to have to add at
> least a GT210 PCI-E card, but it looks like that's going to be
> unnecessary.

I actually currently have deinterlacing disabled on both xineliboutput and XBMC.

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