On 12/20/11 09:49, Morfsta wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just upgraded my VDR system to yavdr 0.4.0 which uses VDR
> 1.7.21 and I notice that the Rotor plugin and my own Rotor-ng plugin
> no longer drive the rotor using any of the functions in the menu.
> Is anyone else seeing this too?
> I think that this could be because of recent changes to disecq
> handling code within VDR as part of the Unicable update. Klaus could
> you point me in the direction of what might have changed such that
> these plugins no longer work and I will do my best to implement a fix.
> Thanks very much for your help,
> Regards,
> Morfsta
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Hi Morfsta,

I also had to implement changes into Seppo patch for gotoxx - so maybe
you could take a look into the latest version of gotoxx patch for
1.7.22, it is working without problems, hope it helps.

You could find the patch at

Best Regards,


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