On 05.09.2011 19:43, Luca Olivetti wrote:
Al 05/09/11 18:15, En/na Klaus Schmidinger ha escrit:
On 05.09.2011 00:08, Luca Olivetti wrote:
Al 04/09/11 23:53, En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
Al 04/09/11 23:05, En/na Klaus Schmidinger ha escrit:
Ok, I couldn't resist and I tried. I don't know if it solves the issue
because now the subtitles are "whacky": they only appear from time to
time and they're in the middle of the screen, both with my trusty dxr3 and
with the xine plugin (in the latter case it happens both with sd and hd
Oh well, back to vdr-1.7.16 until I can investigate what's wrong :-(
I tested this with several old recordings and also live (in HD)
and the subtitles always worked just fine.
I'm using a TT-S2 6400 as output device, if that matters.
Well, I disabled the scaling/offset (in cDvbSubtitleConverter::SetOsdData)
It still works better with the above "fix", but maybe there's a typo in there:


osdFactorX = VideoAspect * OsdHeight / displayWidth;

be instead

osdFactorX = VideoAspect * OsdHeight / displayHeight;
I don't think so.

'VideoAspect * OsdHeight' is the width of a full screen subtitle display,
using the entire OSD height, according to the aspect ratio of the video
material. Dividing this by displayWidth (i.e. the actual width of the
subtitle display) results in the osdFactorX, which is used to convert
coordinates in the subtitle display to the OSD coordinate system.
Ok, I got confused, but why do you use VideoAspect * OsdHeight instead of 
Assume the OSD aspect is 16:9 and the currently displayed video material
is 4:3. To properly map the subtitles on the 16:9 OSD you need to do
VideoAspect * OsdHeight to get the proper width, assuming that the full
height shall be used.

Most probably the problem is caused because the dxr3 plugin doesn't implement
the GetOsdSize and GetVideoSize method, but the xine plugin does implement them.
Anyway, since the cDevice::GetVideoSize returns 0 if not overridden, I put a 
VideoWidth == 0 in SetOsdData.

Can you provide me with some sample recording that demonstrates the
problem you are seeing?
I think you can check by yourself: I tested with the bbc channels at 28.2E.
Since you're saying that the problem is related to the dxr3 plugin I guess
I won't see any error with my TT-S2 6400.


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