On 24.07.2011 21:07, André Weidemann wrote:
> Here are two simple lines to convert a jpg image to mpeg2:
> convert $Pict -background '#000000' -resize 1920x1080 -gravity center
> -extent 1920x1080 /tmp/test.jpg
> ffmpeg -i /tmp/temp.jpg -an -vcodec mpeg2video -b 2500 -s 1920x1080
> -qscale 2 -f mpeg2video $Mpeg
> Note: Depending on your distro, ffmpeg may not support mpeg2 video
> encoding.
> For mpeg4 the ffmpeg line looks like this:
> ffmpeg -i /tmp/temp.jpg -an -vcodec mpeg4 -b 2500 -s 1920x1080 -qscale 2
> -threads 4 -f mp4 $Mpeg
> For libx264 it looks like this:
> ffmpeg -i /tmp/temp.jpg -an -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -s
> 1920x1080 -qscale 2 -threads 4 -f mp4 $Mpeg

Note that "-f mp4" means the output is not raw mpeg-4/H.264 but in the
mp4 file format.

For raw video (like mpeg2video in your first example), for MPEG-4 one
can use "-f m4v" and for H.264 "-f h264".

> The -vpre parameter requires a preset. They can usually be found under
> /usr/share/ffmpeg/libx264-*.ffpreset.
> If you want a 10 second video at 25 fps, you can do it like this:
> ffmpeg -loop_input -t 10 -r 25 -i /tmp/temp.jpg -an -vcodec mpeg4 -b
> 2500 -s 1920x1080 -qscale 2 -threads 4 -f mp4 $Mpeg
> You may want to adjust the number of threads according to the number of
> cores in your machine.
> André
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