
I'm currently updating the softdevice plugin to work with the changes to 
TS format that started with vdr-1.7.1 and also current versions of ffmpeg 
(libavcodec does the actual decoding).

I've made some progress with vdr-1.7.19:

Old PES recordings play fine (as I'd hoped they would!)

New TS recordings play: the video looks fine. PlayTSVideo convertes to PES 
and passes that to PlayVideo of the output device (I assume it would be 
relatively straightforward to implement a proper PlayTs using avcodec but 
that's for a later date!). The sound is totally messed up: just lots of 
random buzzing noises (not looked into the audio yet).

Tranfer mode does not work at all, all I get is a black screen and 

Before I dig into buffers, etc., is there any difference between the 
streams sent to PlayTS in transfer mode and in playback? I see that 
transfer mode generates a PAT/PMT on the fly and passes the stream 
directly to PlayTs.

Does a similar thing happen to a recording, i.e. the PAT/PMT is added 
before writing to disk and then the stream sent during playback is 
identical to that which would have been sent if it had been watched in 
transfer mode? Does the output device ulitimately receive the same set of 
PES packets?


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