In article <> you write:
>On 05/07/11 20:11, Juergen Lock wrote:
>> Hi!
>>   There seems to be a change in recent vdr versions regarding
>> NumProvidedSystems() which at least the reelchannelscan plugin
>> uses to tell apart a dvb-s2 tuner from a dvb-s one in a few places,
>> apparently it used to return 2 for a dvb-s2 tuner and now returns 3.
>> Is this intentional?
>Yes, it is.
>2010-06-06: Version 1.7.15
>- The various modulation types are now taken into account when selecting a 
>device for
>   a recording or live viewing, so that devices that provide more capabilities 
> are
>   spared.
>This was done by incrementing numProvidedSystems in cDvbDevice::cDvbDevice()
>for every additional modulation type it provides.
Ah I see.  Curious, what is the third modulation used on dvb-s(2) in
addition to qpsk and 8psk?

>I'm afraid the result from NumProvidedSystems() is in no way suitable
>for determining whether the device is DVB-S or DVB-S2.

 Ok so what would then be the recommended way?

 Wondering... :)

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