Reinhard Nissl <> writes:

>> I'd like to prevent vdr from using it for recordings.
>> Do you know of any plugin or patch that help achieving this ?
>> Ideally I'd love to be able to set priorities and properties to
>> devices.
>> Something like:
>> device #1: can_record, can_do_epg_scan, can_do_liveview, devprio=100
>> device #2: can_record, can_do_epg_scan, can_do_liveview, devprio=90
>> device #3: can_do_liveview, devprio=10
>> Is there a way for plugins to alter *cDevice::GetDevice behavior ?
>> Are there any plans on that matter ?
> Please modify the attached plugin, telling that device 3 doesn't
> provide any transponder.


Thanks, I'll give it a try.


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