I actually wrote the patch and posted it on this list, about 4? months
ago. It was maybe 20 lines total? It is a realyl small patch.

And so far, I have not found 99.999% to follow the same coloring
standard at all actually. Personally, I wasn't aware that the order of
buttons was standarized on remotes (I could agree that most teletekst
screens would be identical).

On 04/01/11 12:13, fnu wrote:
>> My remote has the color order Yellow, Red, Blue, Green (only an example, i
> dont have the remote at hand). Lets say the buttons are Button0, Button1,
> Button2, Button3
>> My (and perhaps only my) opinion is that vdr should request the leftmost
> color button, then the color right next to it (and so on) while learning.
> The color displayed in the osd should be assigned via the setup menu.
> Are you seriously asking for a major change like this, just for your most
> propably unique remote control?
> The color order of the RGYB buttons is a common standard, defined for
> Teletext centuries ago. So, 99.999% of all remotes providing these keys do
> have this order.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teletext
> Regards
> fnu
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