On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Morfsta <morf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This really is sorely missing from VDR. Its a nice project which I
> might look at if I ever get a spare moment! First I would have to
> update my VDR from 1.7.0 with multiproto as lack of good support for
> vdr-rotor has been holding me back from upgrading to S2API and later
> development versions of VDR.

Well, it took awhile but I have updated to yavdr 0.3 with S2API and a
NV card and it is pretty stable now.

The old rotor plugin is pretty unstable with yavdr (and perhaps later
versions of VDR in general) and it seemed that no-one wanted to fix
it, so I finally got around to modifying the actuator plugin to work
with my disecq rotor (well actually a V-BOX hooked up to a 24V
actuator). I can now get rid of the rotor plugin completely and drive
my dish to the right positions and find / tune satellites with the
modified actuator plugin, which IMHO works and looks better.  It also
allows me to scan DVB-S channels right from the plugin too.

I'd like to release it at some point when I've tidied it up (perhaps
as rotor-ng or something), but one issue I have is with DVB-S2 signal
tuning and scanning on my Hauppauge Nova HD-S2 card - does anyone have
this functionality working either with this card or another card with
the actuator plugin's scanner?

When I tune to a DVB-S2 channel (QPSK or 8PSK) within the plugin I get
nothing, but when I tune in VDR the plugin shows full lock etc. I'd
like to get this functionality working before releasing it and I
thought it might be a problem with the card not supporting
ROLLOFF_AUTO but that doesn't make any difference.

Any help would be great.



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