On 19.03.2011 22:42, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> On 19.03.2011 21:56, Udo Richter wrote:
>> Am 13.03.2011 12:46, schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
>>> - While replaying, the editing marks are now updated every 10 seconds 
>>> (based on a
>>>   patch from Manuel Reimer).
>> Thanks for this! With it, the jumpplay-patch gets obsoleted for me, as I
>> only used the marks reloading. (As a good-bye, I've posted an updated
>> jumpplay at [1]).
>> However, the VDR version also has the slow update speed of once every 10
>> seconds that I don't like. Especially after editing, I usually
>> immediately switch to the edited recording to check the result, and then
>> have to either wait 10 seconds for all marks to appear, or re-start the
>> replay to get updated marks. (With hard link cutter, editing is usually
>> done in less than 10 seconds.)
>> As a solution, I thought it would be a good idea to reload the marks
>> file whenever the index file gets updated. Unfortunately, this is more
>> complicated than I thought, because the marks reside in cReplayControl,
>> while the index is in a cDvbPlayer which is owned by cDvbPlayerControl.
>> There is no direct access to the index from cReplayControl.
>> Polling for number of total frames via GetIndex() would work, as
>> cReplayControl::ShowProgress does - but only if the editing OSD is
>> visible. So add another polling of GetIndex(), and another lastTotal to
>> check for changes? Not very elegant. The alternative would be some extra
>> rewrites...
>> Any thoughts on that?
> How about taking the age of the marks file into account?
> Like, when checking whether the file has been changed, calculate
> the age of the file (tm) and schedule the next check for "now + f(tm)".
> That way, a file that has just been updated will be checked again
> very soon, while an old file will only be checked rarely.
> Ages under one minute could be treated as "one second", ages under
> one hour as "10 seconds" and anything older could just result
> in not rereading the marks file (since it's rather unlikely that
> it will change once it's grown that old).

I have attached a patch that implements this.
Would this be ok?

RCS file: ./RCS/recording.c
retrieving revision 2.26
diff -u -b -r2.26 ./recording.c
--- ./recording.c	2011/02/27 13:35:20	2.26
+++ ./recording.c	2011/03/20 11:44:29
@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@
   fileName = AddDirectory(RecordingFileName, IsPesRecording ? MARKSFILESUFFIX ".vdr" : MARKSFILESUFFIX);
   framesPerSecond = FramesPerSecond;
-  lastUpdate = 0;
+  nextUpdate = 0;
   lastFileTime = -1; // the first call to Load() must take place!
   return Update();
@@ -1278,11 +1278,25 @@
 bool cMarks::Update(void)
   time_t t = time(NULL);
-  if (t - lastUpdate > MARKSUPDATEDELTA) {
-     lastUpdate = t;
-     t = LastModifiedTime(fileName);
-     if (t > lastFileTime) {
-        lastFileTime = t;
+  if (t > nextUpdate) {
+     time_t LastModified = LastModifiedTime(fileName);
+     int d;
+     if (LastModified > 0) // the file exists
+        d = t - LastModified;
+     else { // the file doesn't exist
+        if (lastFileTime <= 0)
+           lastFileTime = t - 2; // -2 makes sure we don't miss an update within the very same second
+        d = t - lastFileTime;
+        }
+     if (d < 60)
+        d = 1; // check frequently if the file has just been modified
+     else if (d < 3600)
+        d = 10; // older files are checked less frequently
+     else
+        d /= 360; // phase out checking for very old files
+     nextUpdate = t + d;
+     if (LastModified > lastFileTime) {
+        lastFileTime = LastModified;
         cMutexLock MutexLock(&MutexMarkFramesPerSecond);
         MarkFramesPerSecond = framesPerSecond;
         if (cConfig<cMark>::Load(fileName)) {
RCS file: ./RCS/recording.h
retrieving revision 2.16
diff -u -b -r2.16 ./recording.h
--- ./recording.h	2011/02/27 12:48:21	2.16
+++ ./recording.h	2011/03/20 10:33:30
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
   cString fileName;
   double framesPerSecond;
-  time_t lastUpdate;
+  time_t nextUpdate;
   time_t lastFileTime;
   bool Load(const char *RecordingFileName, double FramesPerSecond = DEFAULTFRAMESPERSECOND, bool IsPesRecording = false);
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