oh, so now we need opengl and a compositing manager on top of everything else? You miss the point.
I don't have a problem with vdr being usable as client/server. There are 
advantages. But it doesn't need to be so complex and it is seperate form 
the local renderer.
On 1/13/2011 7:46 AM, Gerald Dachs wrote:

On 01/13/11 13:31, Rolf Ahrenberg wrote:
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011, VDR User wrote:

And you get VDR's full osd doing this?
FYI, xineliboutput provides three different OSD implementations:
xinelib, composite HUD, and opengl HUD. For example the composite HUD
OSD is drawn directly onto transparent window located exactly over the
(xine-lib powered) video window and therefore is completely
independent from the actual video decoding library.
I'm curious as to how you got the composite and opengl HUD's working, I
have been far from successful. It appears to just not work at all :S

Both are working. You need a compositing manager like xcompmgr or compiz
for the first possibility, or the option "--opengl-all" (not sure about
correct typing" for the second possibility.


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