On 11/01/11 18:23, Timothy D. Lenz wrote:
xine-lib-1.2-vdpau is just a link to xine-lib-1.2. Use ether one and you
get the same. You want:
hg clone http://hg.debian.org/hg/xine-lib/xine-lib-1.2
and if you are using vdr-xine plugin:
hg clone http://hg.debian.org/hg/xine-lib/xine-ui/
I prefer to use the vdr-sxfe frontend. I presume it does work with
xinelib 1.2 because it's present in yavdr, but it's a pity it's bundled
with the VDR plugin, from the point of view of building just the
frontend because I've already got the VDR plugin catered for.
TH * http://www.realh.co.uk
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