
Am Freitag, 12. November 2010 schrieb Christian Tramnitz:
> Right now when the needs of a vdr extension goes beyond core SVDRP
> capabilities a different approach is being used by the each extensions.
> Prominent examples are:
> - vdradmin (using native SVDRP and suffering from its performance,
> optional use of direct file access to epg data)
> - live-plugin (integrating into vdr as plugin)
> - vdr iphone remote (using native SVDRP and due the bad performance and
> encryption capabilities an optional web-based interface)
> (and I'm sure there are more)
> [...]

> Now I would like to start a few discussions related to this topic, the
> ones that come to my mind mind first are:
> - Should this be implemented as plugin or in core vdr as svdrp extension?
> - Would Klaus accept patches if this will be native SVDRP?
> - Are developers/maintainers of current or feature plugins/extensions
> interested in such a solution?
> - What technical implementation would make most sense?
> - Who would be willing to contribute to such a project?

The live-plugin has support (contributed by third party developer) for SSL 
connections to its internal web-server. See the README file in LIVE for more 

The concept how LIVE works as plugin could be generalized to provide a 
'generic' (SVDRP like) access via xml-http(s)-requests or via JSON etc.

The general disadvantage of such an approach is, that it creates an 
'officially unsupported' way to control VDR remotely. I mean it does not get 
'standardized' by Klaus :)


Dieter Hametner                    dh (plus) vdr (at) gekrumbel (dot) de
live plugin developer              http://live.vdr-developer.org

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