i've tried to play smooth HD channels on 919 (ita), but afer 2 min i get scatters (1 -2 secs)
digging on /etc/vdr/setup.conf /home/.../.xine/config_xineliboutput i've discover that when the "block" (1 - 2 secs) happen the config option --video-buffer RESET TO 250 (sound impossible for HD content) I've double check that vdr (runvdr) and the front-end where not running. The strange is that if i use the --buffer=800 in the vdr-sxfe, config_xineliboutput don't change, and "scatters" are quite rare. Why ? Atom, ION 1.6 (Giaga) vdr 1.7.14 ffmpeg (cvs -less than 1 month) xine-lib (cvs - less than 1 month) cpu is max 25%, the first CPU-thread (bin vdr) bounce from 5,10% (SD-channels) up to (60-90% HD), dmesg report 4 CPU's top -total CPU usage -> max 25% (HD content) _______________________________________________ vdr mailing list vdr@linuxtv.org http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr