
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 12:59:43 +0200, syrius.ml wrote
> "Frank Schmirler" <v...@schmirler.de> writes:
> >> The black screen also appears the first time you connect to the
> >> streamdev-server using HTTP. (its primary output goes black for a
> >> second then it's ok)
> >
> > I have not been able to reproduce this on my machine, except when the server
> > VDR was not suspended and no idle device was available. Fixed that in
> > getdevice-0.5.diff.
> I can't find getdevice-0.5.diff anymore
> (http://www.vdr-developer.org/mantisbt/view.php?id=582 is broken)
> I've just tested streamdev 0.5-CVS + suspend.diff from your website.
> It seems to behave like before. (as described on top of this message)
> would getdevice-0.5.diff still apply on top of this streamdev 
> version ?

getdevice-1.0.diff is already part of the CVS snapshot on
http://vdr.schmirler.de. Changes from getdevice-0.5:

- ProvidesChannel: No need to detach if actual device is already tuned to
requested transponder
- Added dsyslog messages to help troubleshouting channel switch issues 

Please run VDR with full logging (-l 3) and check the logs - maybe the new
dsyslog messages shed some light on the problem.


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