Приветствую, Timothy

> Is your bud motorized? 

yes, I have the motor   STRONG SRT DM 2100
 (not actuator)  and the the dish with diameter 1,1 meter 

>You found a diseqc motor that works with big 
> dishes? 

1,1 meter is not big size. And I can watch several satellites in C band with it 
- the sat positions - 40e,
80e, 90e, 95e

The secret is in good LNB, specially and manually adopted for C-band and my 
dish (from Russian engineer
Alyno) http://forum2.alyno.ru/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=713#713

>Because they need bigger motors then can be powered by the card, 
> they use a different setup. A Actuator that runs on 36v and is told to 
> move one way or the other and then pulses are counted and then the motor 
> is told to stop. Small dish rotors have all that logic on board and you 
> just teil them where you want the dish pointing

ok, understand than.
But in my case no need any big and special motors 


> On 6/24/2010 1:04 PM, Goga777 wrote:
> > Приветствую, Mike
> >> the rotor plugin ( or at least version 1.4mh) can control one rotor per 
> >> card.
> >>
> >> For c-band you need a vbox to translate the diseqc commands and to provide 
> >> the
> >> 36 volts to drive the actuator. Thats how I do it. costs about $40
> >
> > why need vbox for C-band ?
> > I can watch C-band with vdr + rotor + diseqc + 3 Lnb (two LNB are for Ku 
> > band, third LNB is for C-band)
> > without any tricks

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