On 15.06.2010 11:20, István Füley wrote:
Glad to hear, that you managed to fix it. I don't think that the broadcaster will care about it :( How the GT220 is working with vdpau? Is the temporal_spatial deinterlacing working without freezes or dropped frames? I'm thinking about buying a similar card, at the moment I'm using a Geforce 8xxx onboard series, and it is not capable of temporal_spatial at full HD resolution.
Or maybe I should wait for the TT FF DVB-S2...

It is working fine. It seems it reports using temporal-spatial when deinterlacing SD (I have X configured to 1080p) and temporal (even if the config option asks for temporal-spatial) for HD. Seems to work nicely, and smoothly. Every (perhaps) 10-15 min there is some short problem, when it seems to get "stuck" to a point, repeating a second of video a few times, then continuing normally. But that could be a problem with xine (or some other option in xine config), too.

I have a passively cooled version of the card.


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