On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:33 AM, JJussi <v...@jjussi.com> wrote:
> 23.5.2010 23:23, Petri Helin kirjoitti:
>>> Hi!
>>> I know this is not directly this lists problem.. But probably right
>>> people read this list.
>>> I just upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 and run problem with
>>> vdr-plugin-xineliboutput package. It depency says that vdr-abi-1.6.debian is
>>> required and I'm using vdr-1.7.10.
>>> Is there something what I could tweak to get around this problem?
>>> --
>>> JJussi
>> I would say that you are doing something that you should not... either
>> mixing packages from several repositories or mixing packages with self-built
>> vdr. If you have compiled vdr 1.7.10 from the source, do the same with
>> xineliboutput (but please note that the current cvs no more supports vdr <
>> 1.7.11). If you have installed 1.7.10 from some third-party repository, use
>> its package for xineliboutput as well, if possible. If not possible, switch
>> to a repository that offers both. Perhaps yavdr's repository could suite you
>> well?
> System where I started was Ubuntu 9.04 + "deb
> http://ppa.launchpad.net/the-vdr-team/vdr-ubuntu-karmic/ubuntu karmic main"
> from where I got that vdr-1.7.10 -package.
> Now when I allowed system to upgrade it self to 10.04 (lucid-version), there
> is no "lucid" directory in "ppa.launchpad.net/the-vdr-team", so I still use
> that 'karmic'-directory from there.
> Hmm.. Yes, you are right.. Lucid gives me
> "vdr-plugin-xineliboutput-1.0.4+cvs20091016.1108" what is older version than
> ppa.launchpad.net, what provides
> "vdr-plugin-xineliboutput_1.0.4+cvs20091013.1200-7tvt1_amd64.deb"..
> But because it (lucid) has been compiled later, system selects it.
> --
> JJussi

Perhaps this ppa might fit your needs:
There is vdr 1.7.14 and also xineliboutput 1.0.6+cvs20100521.1550-2yavdr1.


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