The pvr-testing2 version of xbmc works with 1.6.0 (or did three weeks ago)
as long as you have a recent streamdev patched..
I'm having a problem with the plugin
It connects OK, but I only get a few seconds of video/audio then it freezes.
xbmc.log has:
10:23:48 T:140535683545424 M:1723899904 DEBUG:
CDVDPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 1
10:23:48 T:140535683545424 M:1723899904 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching -
caching state 3
10:23:48 T:140535459158352 M:1723899904 ERROR: GetDelay - snd_pcm_delay,
alsa error: -32 - Broken pipe
10:23:48 T:140535683545424 M:1723899904 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching -
caching state 0
10:23:48 T:140535459158352 M:1723899904 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio::
Discontinuity - was:775.653333, should be:0.333333, error:-775.320000
10:23:49 T:140535807903952 M:1722826752 INFO: GL: ARB Imaging extension
10:23:49 T:140535459158352 M:1721577472 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio::
Discontinuity - was:1002877.373333, should be:1018548.526184,
10:23:49 T:140535683545424 M:1721577472 DEBUG:
10:23:50 T:140535683545424 M:1720696832 DEBUG:
10:23:51 T:140535459158352 M:1719939072 WARNING:
CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Get - retrieved last data packet of queue
10:23:51 T:140535469648208 M:1719939072 WARNING:
CDVDMessageQueue(video)::Get - retrieved last data packet of queue
10:23:52 T:140535469648208 M:1719939072 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo -
Stillframe detected, switching to forced 25.000000 fps
10:23:53 T:140535683545424 M:1719947264 INFO: AddOnLog:
pvrclient/VDRClient for streamdev: No data in 2 seconds, queuing no signal
any ideas?
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