On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Klaus Schmidinger
<klaus.schmidin...@tvdr.de> wrote:
> On 06.01.2010 14:22, Tomasz Bubel wrote:
>> [...]
>>> - Added support for DVB cards with multiple fontends. Note that this only
>>>  works for DVB cards where each frontend can be used independently of all
>>>  the others on the same adapter.
>> [...]
>> Any chance of using using DVB-T frontend on HVR-4000? This card have 2
>> separate frontends. And as quoted on
>> http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_WinTV-HVR-4000:
>> "Multiple frontends are supported: DVB-S/S2 and DVB-T appear as
>> /dev/dvb/adapterN/frontend0 and /dev/dvb/adapterN/frontend1
>> respectively.
>> Due to a hardware limitation, the two frontends cannot be used
>> simultaneously. However they can be used sequentially within the same
>> application. The driver handles the mutual exclusion appropriately."
> Well, that's still a problem.
> Is there a defined way (via the LinuxDVB driver API) through which VDR
> can find out whether the frontends can be used independently?

Some more food for thought ..

There is also one more added problem: Say there are two adapters and
two frontends. I will try to convey the thought as simplest as
possible by me...

A case in which frontend0 is bound to adapter0 and frontend1 is bound
to adapter 1

This would seem like a classical case of having 2 independent
adapters. But let's analyze it a bit more deeply. The two adapters A0
and A1 are on the same physical A (adapter) chip and can send you data
simultaneously on both the devices. Likewise F0 and F1 can be on the
same physical F (frontend) chip and can send you simultaneous data to
both A0 and A1.

Now suppose that you are having F0 and F1 operational: The F chip
would have a limitation on some parameter, which is based on a
combination of F0 and F1. If the sum parameter is exceeded on the
whole F chip, the entire F chip would crash and might need a Reset.

Likewise the same holds good for the A chip too ..

Another case is where you have A0, A1 and F0, F1 on the same chip
while additionally providing F2 and F3 on virtual A0' and A1'.

But in all cases, the question remains the same. How would the
application like to handle a situation, when a certain parameter will
be exceed on the next operation on the next 'Fx' interface ? (If the
application feels free and does the operation which might cause some
parameter to exceed, the chip as a whole would not respond, unless
reset again)

Operations like this might be common on cards having dual, quad and
hex frontends. The card itself might be able to stream dual, quad and
hex simultaneous streams.


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