On 09/11/2009, Torgeir Veimo <torg...@netenviron.com> wrote:
> 2009/11/9 Theunis Potgieter <theunis.potgie...@gmail.com>:
> > Yesterday I tried from scratch:
>  >
>  > xine-lib-1.2 with r284 patch
>  > vdr-xineliboutput cvs (commited 20091106) no cropping patch applied.
>  > _Downgraded_ nvidia-drivers to 180.60
>  > SD channels works 100%, bad wifi connection didn't cause vdr-sxfe to
>  > crash.
> How are channel changes with this version of xine-lib & patch?
Changing the channel did cause some artefacts from previous channel to
linger, so the first 2 seconds it displays artefacts and/or green
blocks. Same happens when I play a recording, and press 7/9 to jump
between marks. When I press the jump key, the screen does not update
and I have to press play to update the screen.

Was tested on nvidia 8400 GS (G98)

0dBi / silent. Reported 41'C max temperature reached.
>  --
>  -Tor

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