
Magnus Hörlin schrieb:

> Thanks, but that unfortunately didn't help me. For me, ffwd/rew hasn't 
> worked with vdr-xine since back in the days when you had to patch if for 
> networked use. Then xineliboutput came along and I have never managed to 
> get vdr-xine to work well enough to replace it. I guess I have tried 
> about 100 different versions of hardware/vdr/graphics drivers/xinelib 
> and vdr-xine over the years. The HD playback is better than in 
> xineliboutput but what I do a lot is to jump 60s forward through 
> recordings and that doesn't work very well with vdr-xine. The progress 
> bar jumps 60s almost immediately, but it only jumps about five seconds. 
> And a few seconds later, it jumps to where it should. With xineliboutput 
> a can hold the button down and it jumps very fast and precise. And 
> ffwd/rew is instantaneous. With vdr-xine, xine-ui crashes almost every 
> time. And since I don't even have a GPU on my vdr server, I'm not very 
> fond of having to compile xine on it. But like I said, vdr-xine works 
> better with HD channels and plays Swedish national television's 720p50 
> SVT HD which xineliboutput doesn't do very well so it would be nice to 
> get it working. Actually, I tend to use XBMC to watch HD recordings 
> since their vdpau implementation seems to be the best. Thanks for taking 
> your time.

Regarding jumping +/- 60s: with vdr-1.7.x accuracy has improved a
lot since VDR reads back real replay position from xine.

Can you provide backtraces of the xine-ui crashes?

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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