Do you happen to use xine-lib 1.2dev ? Exactly the same happens to me and I was able to track it down to closing and deallocating the stream in xine-lib. I didn't investigate further as the xine-lib 1.2 is in a development state still.
JB > ------------ Pôvodná správa ------------ > Od: Malcolm Caldwell <> > Predmet: [vdr] xinelibout sxfe freeze > Dátum: 20.5.2009 02:27:41 > ---------------------------------------- > Hello, > > After a hard disk crash I am rebuilding my vdr system. Of course, I am > taking the opportunity to "upgrade" parts where needed. > > In the past I used softdevice with TVout, using a mga card and directfb. > > As I now have an HD LCD screen, I decided to try xineliboutput. > > I am running vdr with "-P xineliboutput --local=none --remote=37890", > and then using a user account to run sxfe > > Everything is working except: sxfe freezes from time to time. When this > happens ESC does not kill it, the only way to keep going is to kill the > sxfe process twice (or do kill -9). > > It could be that this is because my DVB reception is quite bad at the > moment (another issue, could be my antenna needs fixing. I changed > dvb-t card to a nova 500 during my "upgrade"). > > Is sxfe freezing a known issue? Any fix? > > > _______________________________________________ > vdr mailing list > > > > > _______________________________________________ vdr mailing list