VDR User wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Simon Baxter <linu...@nzbaxters.com> wrote:
>> I've recently taken a different approach altogether.
>> I use MyMediaSystem (mms) as the "front end" to my pvr for dvd, movies,
>> pictures, music, weather, radio etc etc and TV.  When you select TV, it
>> launches vdr-xine.
>> I wanted a high quality graphical (open-gl) look - and the ability to play
>> music playlists while cycling through my photo collection.
>> VDR, vdr-xine and mms seem to work very well together too....
> Interesting.  Do you have a howto for this?  I'm sure I know some guys
> who would like to try it as an alternative to xbmc+VDR.

Has anybody made some kind of pros and cons analysis between
vdr-xine and xineliboutput.
Which is better or are they just different ?

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