En/na Morfsta ha escrit:
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Luca Olivetti <l...@ventoso.org> wrote:
>> I doubt it. I think it's simply a case of vdpau not working properly, or
>> some magic setting that has to be tweaked (I had really funky colors
>> until I reset the hue,saturation and contrast by editing .xine/config,
>> no way to correctly adjust them from insinde xine).
>> FWIW I'm using the laptop display (which has 1680x1050 resolution, so
>> there's a bit of scaling involved from 1440x1080).
>> Bye
>> --
>> Luca
> Sounds like VDPAU (or xine's interface with VDPAU) doesn't support
> MBAFF properly then.

Or, as I said, there's some parameter unknown to me that I should tune: 
I have the same problem with the astra hd demo at 23.5E
Or simply vdpau doesn't work with my graphic card:

Model:           Quadro FX 770M
IRQ:             16
Video BIOS:      62.94.3b.00.06
Card Type:       PCI-E
DMA Size:        40 bits
DMA Mask:        0xffffffffff
Bus Location:    01.00.0


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