Country: UK
Transmission: DVB-T & recently experimenting with DVB-S
Encoding: MPEG-2 for SD (tens of channels)
Hardware: 2 Win-TV budget cards, 1 Nexus for TV-OUT and some DVB-S tests


2009/3/18 Petri Helin <>:
> Hi,
> I have wondered for some time how broad has VDR spread and how is it
> really used. So, if people could post their location and the type of
> broadcast they are receiving, we could get some kind of understanding
> about the state of DVB (or ATSC) as it is now. Just a brief description,
> using myself as an example:
> Country: Finland
> Transmission: DVB-C
> Encoding: MPEG-2 for SD (tens of channels) and h.264 for HD (less than
> 10 channels)
> The main point is to get an idea of the standards used across the globe.
> I know that wiki etc give some idea, but you can never beat the first
> hand information.
> -Petri
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