On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Klaus Schmidinger <
klaus.schmidin...@cadsoft.de> wrote:

> On 30.01.2009 22:12, Alex Betis wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Is there any configuration that disables EPG updates received on the
> > channel?
> > Or is there a way to shift time of those updates before they are written
> > to EPG.data?
> >
> > The problem is that I have some channels that are transmitted for
> > different time zones that start transmitting EPG info, but looks like
> > the EPG is not shifted. There are some other shifted channels that do
> > transmit the EPG properly, so I believe that's a provider problem.
> The times given in EPG data are supposed to be in UTC, so different time
> zones
> are of no interest. If teh times are not in UTC, the providers are messing
> up.

So how VDR or any other settop box should know that the channel is shifted
in time?

As an example, 75.0E has NTV and NTV-2, or DTV and DTV-2

> > I use s script that updates those channels from internet, so I don't
> > mind to disable EPG update received on the channel.
> You can set the "table id" of these events to 0 (see man 5 vdr).

The problem is not with overwriting the data, but appending the wrong data
for that channel.
I see both script inserted and DVB transmitted data that are differ.

Is there such "table id" setting per channel and not per EPG entry?


> Klaus
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