Klaus Schmidinger a écrit :
> Up to now VDR has used names like 001.vdr for its recording files.
> While moving to Transport Stream as the recording format, I need to
> use a different file name extension, and so was wondering which one
> to use. My first idea was *.ts, for "Transport Stream", but when I
> point, for instance, Konqueror to such a file, it thinks it is a
> "Qt Translation Source". So I was wondering if I should use *.mpg
> instead. This one is identified by Konqueror as an MPEG file and
> will make it launch a proper player.

I think the option is clearly defined now.
I little thing that always annoyed me was that every recoding file had 
the .vdr extension, whatever the actual contents (it seemed like the 
file name was used as an extension). See:

Maybe you will find an opportunity to improve this at the same time...


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