2008/12/15 Goga777 <goga...@bk.ru>:
>> > That's great news!  Myself and several others have been patiently
>> > waiting an h264 patch for vdr-1.7.1 and now 1.7.2 (for me at least,
>> > not sure who else has switched yet)!  It will be great to finally have
>> > h264 support in vdr's core but until then we still need updated
>> > patches.
>> Ok, I didn't realize that vdr 1.7.1 still needed h264 patch on top of the
>> Klaus S2API patch for watching S2 channels. What patch should I apply?
> there are dvb-s2 mpeg2 channels - for it no need any h.264 patch
> there are dvb-s/dvb-s2 channels which are using h.264 codec - for their you 
> should patch the vdr with h.264 patches
> havw a look on VDR Extensions Patch
> http://www.zulu-entertainment.de/download.php

Yup, Goga is right.  I think that extentions patch was adapted to
1.7.1 but it comes with a ton of other crap which is why I never
bothered with it.  I hate those 'mega-patches' or whatever.  We'll be
happy with just h264 plain patch which it sounds like we'll finally
get soon so that's good news!

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