On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Theunis Potgieter <
theunis.potgie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 12/12/2008, Alex Betis <alex.be...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Found a solution for the delay, please try it and report if it helps you
>> and even more important if it doesn't break something else.
>> Special testing should be done for HD channels with high streams.
>> Change line 77 in xine_input_vdr.c
>> from:
>> #define METRONOM_PREBUFFER_VAL  (4 * 90000 / 25 )
>> to:
>> #define METRONOM_PREBUFFER_VAL  128//(4 * 90000 / 25 )
> so from 14400 to 128 lol, making it smaller helps with higher streams?
I wrote that special testing is needed for high streams, I didn't write that
it helps it somehow.
I personally don't have HD channels available, so can't test myself.

As I also wrote, there is probably another buffer on the way (driver?), so
it might be enough.

By the way, I'm more than sure there is a buffer in driver since scan-s2
gets messages from previous channel after it already tuned to a new one. At
least with stb0899 (TT3200 and Twinhan 1041) driver.

> Some documentation says something that large buffers are needed for
>> "mosaic" channels (what is it anyway?).
>> Looks like there is another buffer somewhere on the way...
>> Please report the results.
>> Thanks.
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