On 09.12.2008 17:22, Hanno Zulla wrote:
> Hi,
>> I'm pretty sure there are quite a few systems out there using
>> FF DVB cards. I wonder why you are constantly arguing against
>> them ;-)
> I own an FF card for two reasons only: It offers better video quality on
> a CRT TV and vdr (1.6) prefers it.
> There are a few things to dislike about FF cards these days. To mention
> just a few:
> - expensive
> - big! (a smaller vdr box would be nice)
> - problems with QAM 256
> - bandwidth problems (see Full TS Mod)
> Not too long from now, I want to replace the CRT TV and with it, one of
> my two reasons to use a FF card will be gone.
> So yeah, it'd be nice to see vdr moving away from FF cards or
> specialized hardware such as the eHD.
> A generic (modern) graphics card should be enough and it should be
> easier to setup for vdr.

Why don't you just use such a graphics card then?
Of course you'll need a plugin that implements a proper cDevice
for it, but that has nothing to do with VDR itself...

I'll probably move cDvbDevice into a separate plugin in the process
of switching to S2API, but that won't by any means mean that VDR
"moves away from FF cards". You can already use any output device you
like, provided there's a plugin for it.


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