On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 12:25 AM, Petri Helin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:43 PM, Alex Betis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Few more questions about xinelibout.
> > I've run the frontend now as a separate task and looks like it doesn't
> crash
> > now except when I try to open a picture, I'll try to debug it later.
> >
> Perhaps your pictures a too big for xv? Try to reduce their size.

I would expect the software to do it...

> > The questions are probably very simple:
> > - When I playback a file, how can I move back? When replaying a live
> stream
> > my "<" and ">" keys act as backward and forward buttons. In file playback
> > forward runs the movie forward indeed, but backward button slows the
> > playback until its fully stopped.
> This is a standard feature/restriction of many software players. You
> can jump backwards a given number of seconds, but a true rewind is not
> possible.

Jump back is good enough, the question is how can I do it in xinelibout

> > - Does deinterlacing settings from VDR menu apply also to movie playback?
> > Sometimes I can see effects of picture is not sync with the screen, I
> mean
> > that the picture is shown as its 2 halfs (top and bottom) that are moving
> in
> > very little difference. Thats mostly seen when the whole picture is
> moved.
> Sounds like tearing to me. Usually caused by difference in the output
> refresh rate and the video being played back, or just crappy drivers
> (like Intel with certain hardware combined with Textured video).

I was looking for the right word... tearing...
I have nVidia 177.82 driver. Again, mplayer has no such problem.


> -Petri
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