-----Original message-----
From: Alex Betis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue 02-12-2008 15:54
To: VDR Mailing List <vdr@linuxtv.org>; 
Subject: Re: [vdr] vdr + xbmc

> -- SNIP --
> I was intrigued to see what is this XBMC all around and found that thread in 
> forum:
> http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?t=36988 
> Looks like there is a way to stream live TV to XBMC from VDR already. Any 
> reason you don't use that option and prefer to have 2 frontends?

That plugin had some issues last time I tried it. For instance:

- zapping is very slow on encrypted and non-encrypted channels;
- No bouquets are shown;
- 4:3 broadcasts doesn't get automaticly set to 16:9 output;
- Plugin needs to configured/started within video environment of XBMC (no own 

Just not really workable atm, at least for me that is. But there's talk about 
implenting VDR frontend within XBMC. But that's just it, it's just talk.

For a high WAF implementation, the VDR/XBMC switch wins hands down.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

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