On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 6:15 AM, Simon Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm running VDR-1.6.0 and vdr-xine on my Fedora 6 box, and am moving into
> Fedora 9.

Perhaps you could hold out for 11 days? Fedora 10 is due then.

> I've always had problems with a lack of real understanding on window
> managers, so have put up with GDM under Fedora 6, but Fedora 9 has some real
> nasty "clever" stuff that just simply needs disabling.

What is this clever stuff?

> Can anyone suggest a howto, or can guide me on how to circumvent this
> entirely?  Basically I need to:
> 1) auto log into 'vdruser'
> 2) start xine
> That's it.  Everything else is done behind the scenes, and I can handle.
> Can anyone help?

I apologize that I cannot give a simple howto for Fedore since I use
Ubuntu myself, but I guess the same approach should work. What I did,
was as follows:

1. Remove all Gnome related packages
2. Install slim (http://slim.berlios.de/index.php)
3. Install fluxbox (http://fluxbox.org/)

Both of those can be found in Ubuntu repositories, but I used the
git/cvs/svn/hg versions. Slim can be configured to do autologin with
your favorite user and fluxbox in turn can be configured to start your
favorite applications by modifying its startup file

This is of course only one solution, but in my opinion it is easy and
versatile enough.


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