Uwe Kiewel wrote:
> Petri Helin schrieb:
>> Diego Pierotto wrote:
>>> Uwe Kiewel ha scritto:
>>>> cc -O3 -pipe -Wall -fPIC -g -I/usr/local/include    -c -D_GNU_SOURCE
>>>> -DUSE_ICONV=1 -Wall -I../../../include -I/usr/include/qt4
>>>> xine_input_vdr.c
>>>> xine_input_vdr.c: In function 'resume_demuxer':
>>>> xine_input_vdr.c:2363: error: 'xine_stream_t' has no member named
>>>> 'demux_resume'
>>>> make: *** [xine_input_vdr.o] Error 1
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>>> Hi,
>>> now i tried to download last version 1.0.2 but it gives me the same error.
>>> What i noticed is that if i revert the file xine_input_vdr.c as i wrote
>>> before i can't see any xvdr icon in Xine.
>>> I'm running VDR with this option:
>>> ./vdr -P"xineliboutput --local=sxfe --video=xv --audio=oss --remote=none"
>>> Diego Pierotto
>> You might want to upgrade xine-lib (or even use xine-lib-1.2) to fix the 
>> compiling problem.
>> -Petri
> Now I tried the most recent version from Reinhard at 
> http://home.vrweb.de/~rnissl/
> Now, it works.

Unless using vdr-xine, it could be a better option to use the hg version 
  of either xine-lib or xine-lib-1.2 when using the newest release or 
the cvs version of xineliboutput.


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