Niels Wagenaar wrote: > So, this should mean that VDR 1.7.x should focus on S2API because of > the obvious reasons. Has anybody started on a patch of somekind to > include S2API in VDR 1.7.0 or 1.7.1? Mainly I was thinking of doing > it myself (I have a Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-HD-S2 which is allready > supported in S2API) in the hope to have it working in the next > weekend. But if it's allready done or in progress, then I would like > to use my time for something else ;)
As I've written(1) on the DVB list before, a quick hack could be possible based on the DVB API wrapper patch. A better implementation probably requires deeper changes within the channel structures. (and should IMHO be a change to a DVB header independent structure.) Since I don't use either of the new APIs I'll leave these changes to others though. Cheers, Udo (1) _______________________________________________ vdr mailing list