
Gregoire Favre schrieb:
> On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 01:14:51PM +0200, Gregoire Favre wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 01:14:23PM +0200, Gregoire Favre wrote:
>>> On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 12:18:02PM +0400, Goga777 wrote:
>>>> yes, but for me it's not errors, it's only information messages, nothing 
>>>> special. May be I wrong... 
>>> I guess so.
>>>> how ?
>>> Edit the source, recompil, install.
>> I changed this :
>> grep BUFSIZE *|grep MEGABYTE
>> dvbplayer.c:#define PLAYERBUFSIZE  MEGABYTE(4)
>> recorder.c:#define RECORDERBUFSIZE  MEGABYTE(20)
>> transfer.c:#define TRANSFERBUFSIZE  MEGABYTE(8)
>> My computer has 4Gb of ram so I can be large...
> I rarely used VDR for quiete a long time, and I wanted to try some other
> way : I compiled ffmpeg with icc using "-O3 -xT -gcc -mtune=core2" and
> that make a difference : now my CPU is almost enough for ARTE HD which
> wasn't the case with gcc ;-)
> If the weather stay so bad, I shall use VDR again a lots (not for
> recording as for that I'll wait vdr-1.7.1 but anyway) :-)
What CPU do you have (MHz)?

Have you tried compiling it with gcc -O3 ?

I would like to know, if there is a performance increase, when compiling 
ffmpeg with gcc -O3 instead of -O2.

Maybe some other applications, like the X-Server should also be compiled 
  with -O3 to get a better performance with h264 decoding...

Regards, Artem

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